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Cross Country Skiing

HomeWinter ActivitiesCross Country Skiing

Most people who think about Park City think of it in terms of a major ski resort and they never imagine it can be a perfect place for cross country skiing, nothing could be further from the truth. No matter what you are up to as a lover of cross country skiing, you have a perfect condition waiting for you at this wonderful mountain resort. You must have in mind that Utah receives the greatest snow in the world and if you need a real challenge for your powerful leg muscles them you have no better place to go for cross country skiing than the Park City resort.


Park City Cross Country Skiing

Guests coming to Park City, Utah for an experience in cross country skiing will for sure find a home at the White Pine Touring Center which offers some of the best ski rentals as well as having a retail department. You will be served by very well informed and dedicated staff members who offer very friendly services. You will be thrilled to tour their 20 kilometer course that is at the heart of park City itself for a taste of what things can be. There are three tracks that are very good for beginners and they come in the backdrop of the scenic surroundings of the Wasatch Mountains.

You may also want to be a little more adventurous and go for a guided tour which will give you a real value for your money since the guide will know exactly where the interesting locations are. The other interesting location you will love is the Soldier Hollow Cross Country Ski Resort which has a network of trails that cover an entire 31 kilometers. These trails are good enough for the beginner even though there are some sections of grueling hills that only professionals can be able to handle. After you take a break you can warm yourself up at the Soldier Hollow’s fireplace enjoying the scenic Wasatch Mountains.

Just nest to the Soldier Hollow is another ideal place for cross country skiing known as the Wasatch Mountains State Park which has a 10 kilometer groomed ski track of several lanes. You will experience both flat and hilly sections of terrain as you view the spectacular mountains and the Heber valley farmlands. You will get your rentals at the Park City where state of the art equipment is available.

If none of those are going to thrill you then you may want to check out the Homestead Mountain Resort which is a premier cross country location that is quite popular. The Homestead also has some magnificent lodging facilities that a cross country skier will find quite inviting. This lavish place is only 20 minutes away from Park City and it provides a 12 kilometer cross country trail and of course there is an equipment rental on site. At the end o the day you can get to relax in a mineral bath as you reminisce your day’s experience.


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Wasatch Mountains State Park

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