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Your Complete Park City Ski Guide

HomeYour Complete Park City Ski Guide

While there are many reasons people choose Park City as their vacation destination, the most popular one is for skiing. Our town, although built on the backs of silver miners, has been touted as one of the top ski towns for almost 100 years. The first ski jump was built in 1930, and after the demise of the mines and a false start or two, the Park City UT skiing reputation has grown stronger every year.

Today, it’s a place loved by skiers of all skill sets—from the beginner timidly making his way down the bunny slopes to the daredevil Olympians who make magic on the mountain tops, all skiers eventually find their way to our hometown. If you find yourself heading to our mountain for some ski fun, this complete Park City Ski guide will give you all the information you need for a fun, safe, and exciting Utah ski getaway!

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