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Park City High School

HomePark City InfoPark City High School

Right at the heart of Utah is the famous Park City High School with an average student population of 4,500 students and adheres to the state’s average ethnic minority composition. The school is composed of at least 17% students considered ethnic minorities with many of them being Hispanics. This is because the Park City Schools Department has a policy that seeks to maintain a number of students from low income families among its ranks. One of the important aspects of studying in park City High school is the issue of attendance that is emphasized because of the correlation between school attendance and achievement of good grades.


Learn More About Park City High School

The Park City High School strongly discourages absenteeism and there is also a very strong emphasis on punctuality. The first and last weeks of each quarter are especially considered important and students must have a valid cause why they would miss attending school. The school adheres to the federal requirement that proposes a 93% attendance rate and therefore parents and guardians are usually advised to make maximum use of the vacation period to attend to issues that would otherwise cause the students to be absent. Things such as dental and doctor visits and other trips need to be attended to over such school holidays.

Park City high school requires that parents check an online attendance sheet to check on their student’s attendance in school. There are a number of awards and scholarships that go to many deserving students that fall in the range of $500 to $6,000. The number of community scholarships and Park City High School is plenty and for some students, they give the only hope there is of ever attending college and having something to pay their tuition. This is because it costs somewhere between $2,500 and $50,000 per year to attend college for Park City High School seniors.


Scholarships Programs

Park City may look affluent but it is not hidden to the Park City School Departments that there may be pockets of people who really struggle to make ends meet. There is therefore a number of students who do odd jobs part-time or even full time not only to manage to pay part of their tuition but for others the same money goes on to assist in paying their household bills. Students at the school are therefore advised to check out the scholarship programs and find out what they are eligible for. There are a number of donors who usually determine the criteria for the giving out of their individual scholarships although most of them are pegged on academic performance.

Park City High School students are usually advised to do their applications for scholarships in the spring and usually, they should zero in on those scholarships for which they qualify. There are qualified review committees that give consideration to all applicants finally rewarding the most qualified and deserving cases. Many students from Park City High School perform well enough to manage to attend college and prepare for their life careers. Schools in Park City are among the best and you can always be sure that you make the right choice to take your kids to the leading school in the entire Park City area.

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