My first visit to Deer Valley stands out in my memory; everything was hunter green and gleaming gold. It was like leaving Sherman Oaks and traveling to Beverly Hills, all the cars and people and outfits just seemed sparklier. Spending the day at Deer Valley was more like an excursion than our normal ski day at Park City Resort where we just walked across the parking lot from Shadow Ridge Resort with our ski boots on and our skis and poles in hand. Everyone could ski for however long they wanted and walk back.
A Beautiful Day in Deer Valley
For a day trip to Deer Valley, we traveled with our after-ski boots on, ski boots in hand and had to board the bus. Getting the skis to fit in those little slots on the outside of the bus felt more challenging than a rubix cube. I always thought it was worth it but not everyone agreed. There was more coordinating and more hassle and we usually waited for each other in the lodge at the end of the day. Remember this was before cell phones and texting, we just had to use our eyes and find each other. I figured an extra hot chocolate in those gorgeous rooms with all the nice people around was pretty fantastic.
My favorite part was that all the runs were groomed. Every slope was ready for me. I just never liked all those bumps and moguls as a kid. It seemed to add a level of “excitement” that I just did not know how to appreciate. Some in my family thought groomed runs were boring, but to me it was like smooth white heaven. I could have gone every day
I loved the staff at the bottom of the hill in their dark hunter green sweaters who were ready to pick up the skis and help you inside the lodge. To me it was like living on Rodeo Drive and we were suddenly movie stars. Maybe my early exposure to life in the Deer Valley lane led me to living for years on a Cruise Ship like Julie McCoy on the Love Boat. Personally, I am ready for another day at Deer Valley.
About Lisa Niver Rajna
About the Author: Lisa and George Rajna met online in 2007 and started traveling together internationally almost immediately. By 2008, they had quit their jobs, rented their condo and left for a year on the road. After eleven countries, twelve months, losing sixty pounds and getting engaged underwater, they returned to Los Angeles. On July 1, 2012, the next year long adventure began in Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and now India.